In the quaint coastal town of Matsumoto, I discovered a hidden gem—a tiny sushi bar run by a master chef who believed that the essence of sashimi lay in simplicity and freshness. Watching him slice the fish with the precision of a sculptor, I was captivated by the beauty of the vibrant colors and the delicate textures. Inspired by that moment, I created this sashimi platter, a celebration of the ocean’s bounty that is as delightful to the eyes as it is to the palate.


200g fresh tuna, sashimi-grade
200g fresh salmon, sashimi-grade
200g yellowtail (hamachi), sashimi-grade
100g octopus, thinly sliced
1 avocado, sliced
1 radish, thinly sliced
A handful of microgreens (for garnish)
Soy sauce (for dipping)
Wasabi (to taste)
Pickled ginger (for serving)


Begin by selecting the freshest sashimi-grade fish you can find, as this is the heart and soul of your dish. Ensure that each piece is vibrant and firm to the touch. Carefully slice the tuna, salmon, and yellowtail into 1/4 inch thick pieces, maintaining a sharp angle to showcase the beautiful marbling and colors. Arrange these slices artfully on a chilled platter, allowing the colors to dance together like waves on the shore.

Next, turn your attention to the octopus. If you’re using it, ensure it’s tender and sliced thinly. Place the delicate slices in the center of the platter, a stunning contrast against the vibrant fish. Add the sliced avocado and radish around the fish, creating a beautiful, colorful border. The creamy avocado complements the rich fish, while the peppery radish adds a refreshing crunch.

For the finishing touch, scatter a handful of microgreens over the top. Not only do they add a burst of color, but they also bring a subtle earthiness that elevates the entire dish. Serve the sashimi with small bowls of soy sauce, a dollop of wasabi, and pickled ginger on the side—each component enhancing the experience and allowing guests to customize their bites.

As you present your sashimi platter, take a moment to appreciate the artistry of your creation. It’s not just a meal; it’s a homage to the sea, a reminder of that little sushi bar in Matsumoto, and the connection we share with the ocean’s treasures. Enjoy this dish as a light appetizer or a refreshing main course, and let each bite transport you to the serene shores of Japan.